Saturday, June 26, 2010

Does popping blackheads and then applying Neosporin to them help remove blackheads?

Well - you don't technically ';pop'; a blackhead. You push out the dirt, oil, etc. that has formed the blackhead. Once the blackhead is removed, you just have an unclogged pore and don't need to do anything, but use a cleanser on your face to keep it clean.Does popping blackheads and then applying Neosporin to them help remove blackheads?
I'm a Certified Skin Analyst and let me tell you that in no possible way ';popping'; a black head could be good. ';Popping'; it impacts the pore leaving it exposed to infection and leaving ugly scars. Use a sensitive skin Polishing Scrub 2 x week and Pore Cleansing Masque. The Tone to make sure the pore are closed to avoid infection. It will clear out without hurting your skin. If pressure is needed, use a wet washcloth to squeeze impurities out, but never use your fingers or nails. You will regret it later.

Hope I helpedDoes popping blackheads and then applying Neosporin to them help remove blackheads?
NO, it's just gonna cause pits in your face when you get older. Just take a credit card and with the edge of it scrape real hard where the black-head is and it will come out. it may take some practice to get used to it, but it works. And no pitting afterwards.Try it and see.
The Neosporin will actually clog you up and you will have more blackheads and pimples.
That's what I always do, for any kind of zit.

I'll pop it, let all the juice and crap come out, then put neosporin so it doesn't get all red. =]
It can also leave scars. Little brown patches.

Its best to just use acne facial wash until it dies down naturally, though I will confess to also being a pimple popper...

I'm just very impatient.
no because the hole is still going to be there, neosporin helps it bleed and causes bacterica to leave but the hole will never close.
popping pimples is never good.

a few good home solutions is to either put toothpaste or egg whites on it. i know that sounds wierd but it really does help.
No neosporin is for cuts and will clog your pores try popping them them applying persa-gel 10 by clean and clear
That might help. Onevthing that i know that does work is popping them and then rubbing them down in green ouikahall
I'm going to have to say no. It might for some people and unno you might be one of those people. But I would say no.
No. I have tried that. Sometimes it makes it worse.
My friend does this and she says it actually works.

But i don't know about other people.
Probably, but washing with a good cleanser will help more.
neosporin is kinda oily, i put tea tree oil on mine. it works every time!
get some proactive... popping pimples can cause craters in your face!!!
google it
use a skin product after you pop it
i suppose you could

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