Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why my nose swells after I remove its blackheads?

Whenever I try to remove my blackheads, my nose swells. And now, it has become twice of its original size. It is very painful to touch. Plz tell me what is this? And whether I should see a dermatologist or an ENT specialist.

Thank You.

ParvWhy my nose swells after I remove its blackheads?
it's just being irritated and pushed etc ......i think, just exfoliate and try not to squeeze oh and sometimes it might be a pimple forming

good luck and see a dermatologist if you think it's seriousWhy my nose swells after I remove its blackheads?
And you are doing WHAT exactly to REMOVE the blackheads???

If you're pinching them out...then well, of course your nose is gonna hurt!

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