Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is there some cream or something which will remove Blackheads Permanently?

blackheads are dirt in your pores.

there is nothing you can do about having pores- and nothing you can do to prevent the sweat that comes out of them, but you can change how much dirt gets on your face

i LOVE my biore strip (you can buy them almost any drug or walmart for like $10 for a whole box of them. after you clean out those pores every week splash your face with cold water.

everyday you HAVE to wash your face 2x a day with a soap with benzoyl peroxide in it. (if you don't wash ur face2x a day, everyday- you deserve acne). also, get an exfoliating scrub that you can use in the mornings to prevent all those dead skin cells from causing more black headsIs there some cream or something which will remove Blackheads Permanently?
blackheads are caused from oily skin (mostly from hormones)

you need to be exfoliating more

use a clay or mud mask

when you wash your face, pat your face dry

place a slightly warm/hot cloth/towel on your face

for approximately 10-15 minutes in order to soften

the blackhead, making it easier to remove.鈥?/a>

put ice cube in a plastic bag after washing face

%26amp; place it over black heads to reduce the size

you can seperate the yolk from the clear white part

of the egg ( dont boil or nothing just break it %26amp; let the clear stuff fall in a bowl)

beat that, %26amp; wear it as a mask for 10 minutes %26amp; wash off with warm water.

somedays Before washing your face

boil water %26amp; steam your face to open your pores more

%26amp; while there open run to the bathroom %26amp; wash your face

then rinse with COLD water to tighten the pores (this is so your skin doesnt get oily)

things to avoid :

- creamy, greasy %26amp; thick products

- DO NOT use bar soap ( unless its dove %26amp; not often either )

- don't use alot of lotions on your face or where it tends to get greasy ( mostly in the t-zone; forehead,nose,chin)Is there some cream or something which will remove Blackheads Permanently?
wash your face twice daily.especially when you have come from working out or just finished a night in the dirty city. and try using a combination of cleansers instead of just one. and drink plenty of water to flush toxins from your skin

I could finally find a solution for this problem,read this blog before taking any action

Thanks to this blog, it helped me a lot to find the best method.

Hope this helps
  • hair spray
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