Thursday, June 24, 2010

Would the vaccum of space remove blackheads?

Using all those products is such a hassle - surely this is a faster way to remove the impurities from our skin...Would the vaccum of space remove blackheads?
I don't think so, your skin would more likely puff out and the blackheads would be pushed deeper inside. They would be less noticable though haha!Would the vaccum of space remove blackheads?
Would the vacuum of space remove blackheads?

No, it would utterly destroy them and the surrounding tissue.

Your body is under approximately 1 metric ton of pressure per metre square, you don't get crushed because you have an equal and opposed internal pressure. Remove the outer pressure and you have 1 ton of negative pressure per square metre of skin.

In that case I'd suggest the advert go with a phrase along the lines:

Bye bye blockhead, how did you clear yours?!

=) Gooing, gooing ... oh he's gone!
Ha, it'd probably remove your whole head itself.
ye sure, head, eyes, ears . . how about the whole ******* planet, light and everything
It would probably remove a lot more than that lol like your eyes from their sockets.
Sure. Works on eyeballs, too!

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